
Highlights of Securities Under Central Custody

Unit: No. of Transaction, 1,000 NT
Year Month\Item Dematerialized Securities Physical Securities Total Shares
Outstanding Listed Shares Others
Outstanding Listed Shares Others
TWSE Shares
GTSM Shares
Emerging Stocks
TWSE Shares
GTSM Shares
Emerging Stocks
11209 963,544,071 163,109,470 24,030,184 238,809,837 1,389,493,561 0 0 0 137,571,365 137,571,365 1,527,064,927
11210 970,554,296 165,392,910 24,433,263 241,181,945 1,401,562,414 0 0 0 137,536,118 137,536,118 1,539,098,532
11211 973,038,776 166,929,794 24,291,286 241,437,786 1,405,697,643 0 0 0 137,512,011 137,512,011 1,543,209,654
11212 979,331,039 172,888,150 24,523,129 240,237,173 1,416,979,490 0 0 0 137,523,991 137,523,991 1,554,503,481
11301 984,701,338 175,039,851 24,522,326 245,269,951 1,429,533,466 0 0 0 136,470,483 136,470,483 1,566,003,949
11302 976,493,138 176,443,516 24,845,430 247,274,644 1,425,056,728 0 0 0 137,497,867 137,497,867 1,562,554,596
11303 992,265,600 185,351,525 24,976,543 265,164,646 1,467,758,313 0 0 0 137,487,376 137,487,376 1,605,245,689
11304 1,022,029,334 191,246,791 25,403,045 248,910,958 1,487,590,128 0 0 0 137,468,877 137,468,877 1,625,059,004
11305 1,028,928,062 195,977,782 24,857,532 249,845,961 1,499,609,338 0 0 0 137,458,087 137,458,087 1,637,067,425
11306 1,032,737,796 198,213,747 24,902,650 251,665,290 1,507,519,484 0 0 0 137,450,539 137,450,539 1,644,970,024
11307 1,043,917,594 205,624,906 25,385,531 254,997,065 1,529,925,095 0 0 0 147,693,970 147,693,970 1,677,619,065
11308 1,067,038,416 212,570,587 24,932,220 260,210,148 1,564,751,372 0 0 0 147,684,876 147,684,876 1,712,436,249
Note1: Securities include TWSE-listed stocks, GTSM-listed stocks, emerging stocks, beneficiary certificates, DRs, warrants, exchangeable bonds (denomination of NT$100 per share) , etc.
Note2: GTSM-listed and emerging stocks were brought into central custody in December 1994 and December 2001 respectively.
Note3: Since 29 July 2011, all TWSE-listed and GTSM-listed securities have been kept in dematerialized form.
Note4: Others include those delisting, restricted, unlisted, and privately placed.
Note5: The statistics is for reference only.