
TAIBIR 02 Secondary Market Fixing Rate

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Updated Time:11:00:15
Enquiry Time:19:04:55
Panel Contributor\Maturity 10 20 30 60 90 120 150 180 365 Latest Quotation Delivery Time
Bid Ask Bid Ask Bid Ask Bid Ask Bid Ask Bid Ask Bid Ask Bid Ask Bid Ask
MEGA BILLS 2.130 1.550 2.130 1.550 2.150 1.590 2.200 1.640 2.250 1.690 2.300 1.720 2.300 1.740 2.320 1.770 2.370 1.900 08:23:40
CHINA BILLS 2.000 1.520 2.000 1.540 2.120 1.570 2.130 1.610 2.140 1.660 2.170 1.690 2.220 1.720 2.240 1.740 2.340 1.810 08:45:11
INT' L BILLS 2.150 1.540 2.150 1.540 2.170 1.590 2.210 1.660 2.300 1.730 2.300 1.740 2.300 1.770 2.350 1.820 2.420 1.910 08:32:12
DAH CHUNG BILLS 2.150 1.550 2.150 1.550 2.150 1.600 2.200 1.650 2.250 1.700 2.300 1.750 2.300 1.750 2.350 1.800 2.400 1.850 08:48:31
TAIWAN BILLS 2.100 1.520 2.100 1.540 2.150 1.560 2.200 1.610 2.250 1.660 2.300 1.700 2.300 1.750 2.320 1.780 2.400 1.880 08:44:46
GRAND BILLS 2.150 1.550 2.150 1.550 2.250 1.600 2.250 1.650 2.300 1.730 2.300 1.730 2.300 1.750 2.300 1.800 2.400 1.850 08:31:14
TA CHING BILLS 2.350 1.550 2.350 1.550 2.350 1.550 2.400 1.600 2.450 1.650 2.500 1.700 2.550 1.750 2.600 1.800 2.750 1.950 08:33:50
TW CO BILLS 2.100 1.500 2.100 1.500 2.150 1.550 2.200 1.600 2.250 1.650 2.300 1.700 2.300 1.730 2.300 1.780 2.450 1.880 08:19:25
BOT 1.865 1.265 1.915 1.280 1.965 1.305 2.065 1.345 2.115 1.375 2.135 1.415 2.215 1.435 2.235 1.460 2.390 1.510 08:01:03
LBOT 1.855 1.285 1.855 1.285 1.895 1.325 1.935 1.375 1.985 1.425 2.025 1.475 2.075 1.515 2.115 1.565 2.215 1.665 08:36:48
TCB 1.795 0.835 1.845 0.845 1.895 0.845 1.945 0.875 1.995 0.875 2.045 0.875 2.095 0.925 2.145 0.925 2.245 0.925 08:12:12
FCB 1.700 0.830 1.730 0.880 1.770 0.930 1.850 1.030 1.900 1.050 1.950 1.065 2.000 1.080 2.050 1.200 2.080 1.250 08:15:47
HNCB 1.700 0.830 1.700 0.830 1.750 0.830 1.800 0.850 1.850 0.870 1.950 0.900 2.050 0.930 2.150 0.960 2.250 1.000 08:45:16
CHB 1.700 1.000 1.700 1.000 1.700 1.000 1.800 1.100 1.900 1.200 2.000 1.300 2.100 1.400 2.200 1.500 2.300 1.600 08:40:06
SCSB 1.700 0.800 1.700 0.800 1.700 0.800 1.750 0.900 1.800 0.950 1.850 1.000 1.900 1.000 1.950 1.000 2.050 1.100 08:16:17
TFCB 1.855 1.255 1.905 1.275 1.955 1.295 2.055 1.335 2.085 1.365 2.125 1.405 2.195 1.425 2.225 1.455 2.385 1.505 08:01:59
CUB 1.820 1.330 1.870 1.340 1.910 1.350 1.950 1.450 1.960 1.480 2.030 1.500 2.130 1.520 2.210 1.540 2.360 1.560 08:32:29
MEGA BANK 1.785 0.995 1.835 1.045 1.885 1.095 1.925 1.105 1.975 1.105 2.025 1.105 2.085 1.125 2.170 1.305 2.245 1.375 08:41:54
UBOT 1.950 1.340 2.100 1.350 2.150 1.360 2.150 1.450 2.150 1.500 2.200 1.525 2.250 1.575 2.260 1.585 2.300 1.725 08:02:14
TAISHIN BANK 2.000 1.150 2.100 1.200 2.150 1.350 2.250 1.450 2.300 1.500 2.350 1.500 2.380 1.500 2.400 1.500 2.500 1.550 08:11:03
CTCB 1.950 0.850 1.950 1.050 1.950 1.050 2.000 1.200 2.050 1.350 2.050 1.450 2.050 1.500 2.100 1.500 2.100 1.550 08:11:45
YUANTA BANK 1.820 1.800 1.840 1.810 1.860 1.830 1.900 1.860 1.930 1.880 1.950 1.890 1.970 1.900 2.000 1.920 2.030 1.940 08:29:04
SINOPAC 1.800 1.360 1.800 1.410 1.820 1.500 1.900 1.550 1.950 1.600 2.000 1.600 2.100 1.600 2.200 1.600 2.400 1.600 08:00:42
Fixing Rate 1.6150 1.6458 1.6860 1.7447 1.7910 1.8312 1.8702 1.9098 1.9908
1. Panel Contributors are displayed in order of Participant Identification Code.
2. The Fixing rate is calculated at 11:00am every business day.
3. Calculation:
(1) Median rate is the average of both bid and ask rates: (Bid Rate+ Ask Rate)/2,rounded to the fourth decimal place).
(2) Rank the median rates in ascending order.
(3) Eliminate one-fifth of the highest and lowest median rates.
(4) Calculate the total number of contributors who contributed the rates and then divide by 5.
Example: There are 21 contributors in total. 21/5=4.2 (panel contributor whom fail to deliver quotes by 11:00am is viewed the lowest median rate).
(5) Discarded the top 4 and bottom 4 contributors.
(6) Averages the remaining rates (rounded to the fourth decimal place).