
TDCC’s live streaming platform for shareholder meetings to become operational following user terms announcement; registration opened today


Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) announced a revision to the policy of delaying shareholder meetings of publicly listed companies on June 29, saying that all shareholder meetings of publicly listed companies scheduled for May 24 and beyond shall be postponed to between July 1 and August 31, and companies that fulfill certain criteria may hold a physical shareholder meeting between August 16 and 31 on the condition that the companies use TDCC’s platform to provide live streaming of the meeting and comply with the user terms and epidemic prevention guidelines of TDCC.

TDCC has completed the establishment of the live streaming platform and drawn up “Operating Guidelines for Holding Physical Shareholder Meeting with Live Streaming by Publicly-listed Companies” and “Live Streaming Registration Procedures for Shareholder Meeting Participants” (for detailed information, please visit our website at https://reurl.cc/ZGEZVp) to specify the rules of online attendance for shareholders and regulations on live streaming provision for companies and shareholder service agencies. Registration for using the live streaming platform is open to all eligible companies from July 14 to July 30.

TDCC President Zhu Han-qiang said the live streaming platform to be launched on August 16 provides companies with a new option for organizing their shareholder meeting, and it is a brand new practice in Taiwan. Shareholders of eligible and registered companies may apply for online attendance in advance in order to sign in, watch live meeting, raise questions and vote online via TDCC’s platform, which strives to provide user experience that is just the same as attending the meeting in person. The system is designed to uphold shareholder activism while helping reduce the number of people at the meeting venue, hence reducing the risk of cluster infection and keep everyone safe.

For more information about the shareholder meeting live streaming platform, please contact the Shareholder Service Department of TDCC at (02) 2719-5805 ext. 109, 222, 427, 341 and 188.